- The State Government may appoint a Registrar for each local area comprising the area within the jurisdiction of a municipality, Panchayat, or other local authority, any officer or other of any two or more of them.
Provided that the State Government may appoint in the case of a community, Panchayat or other local authority, any officer or other employee thereof as a Registrar.
- Every Registrar shall, without fee or reward, enter in the register maintained for the purpose all information given to him under 8 or 9 and shall also take steps to inform himself carefully of every birth and of every death which takes place in his jurisdiction and to ascertain and register the particulars required to be registered.
- Every Registrar shall have an office in the local area for which he is appointed.
- Every Registrar shall attend his office for the purpose of registration births and deaths on such days and such hours as the chief Registrar may direct and shall cause to be placed in some conspicuous place on or near the outer door of the office of the Registrar a board bearing, in the local language, his name with the addition of Registrar of Births and Deaths for the local area for which he is appointed, and the days and hours of his attendance.
- The Registrar may, with the prior approval of the chief registrar, appoint sub-registrars and assign to them any or all of his powers and duties in relation to specified areas within his jurisdiction.
* District Panchayat Officers have been appointed as District Registrars Vide SRO 145/70 published in Kerala Gazette Extra. No. 115 dated 31-3-70 redesigned as per G.O.(MS) No. 133/96lad dated 8-7-1996 AS Assistant Director of Panchayats
** Senior Research Assistants in District statistical Officers appointed as addl. District Registrars of respective revenue districts by SRO 82/71 published in Kerala Gazette. No. 9 dated 9-9-1971.
*** The following have been appointed as Registers for the local areas comprising the areas within the jurisdiction of the local authorities specified in column (1)