- The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint a * Chief Registrar for the State.
- ** The State Government may also appoint such other officers with such designations as it thinks fit for the purpose of discharging under the superintendence and direction of the chief Registrar, such of his function as he may, from time to time, authorize them to discharge.
- The Chief Registrar shall be the chief executive authority in the State for carrying into execution the provision of this Act and the rules and orders made there under subject to the directions, if any, given by the State Government.
- The Chief Registrar shall take steps, by the issue of suitable instructions or otherwise to coordinate, unify and supervise the work of registration in the state for securing an efficient system of registration and shall prepare and
* The Director of Panchayats has been appointed as the chief Registrar for the state of Kerala, vide SRO 144/70 published in Kerala Gazette Extra No. 115 dated 31/3/1970
** Additional Director and Deputy Director (vital Statistical) Bureau of Economics and statistics appointed as Addi. Chief Registrar and Deputy chief Registrar by SRO 81/71 published in Kerala Gazette No.9 dated 3-3-1971