Certificate of renewal of licence to sell, stock and exhibit for sale and distribute food.
Certified that the Licence No………… granted on the …………..to…………. for selling, stocking and exhibiting for sale and distributing food as shown below at the Premises situated at ……..has been renewed till…………………
(Here enter wholesale/retail/other sale*)
Licensing Authority.
- This licence shall be displayed in a prominent place in a part of the premises open to the public.
- The licence shall allow any Food Inspector appointed under the Act to enter into any premises, where manufacture and or sale is carried on and to inspect the premises, machinery, records, etc., at any time. The licence, shall also supply to such Inspector such information as he may require for ascertaining whether the provisions of the Act and Rules and the conditions of the licence are being complied with.
- The licence shall maintain proper sanitation and hygienic conditions within the premises licensed.
- The licence shall maintain such records as may be prescribed by Government and shall submit such periodicals returns to the Food Inspector as may directed.
- The licence shall declare the true nature of the articles of food stocked, sold or exposes for sale by a clear and conspicuous adhesive label. He shall also declare the true nature of the articles to any purchaser or the Food Inspector who requests for such information.
- All articles of food stocked or exposed for sale for purposes other than for human consumption shall be clearly and conspicuously labelled by an adhesive label with full description regarding the nature of articles, the purpose for which it is mean' and with a declaration in bold letters that it is unfit for human consumption. All articles of food found in the premises which are not so labelled will be deemed to be kept for sale for human consumption.
The licensee shall also denature all food articles which are not meant for human consumption in accordance with the written instructions of the Food (Health) Authority, by a general or special order.
- The licensee shall notify to the Licensing Authority "any change in the ownership of the business or stoppage within 7 days of such change or stop page and surrender the licence. In the absence of such a notification and surrender of licence, the licensee will be deemed to be carrying on the business and he will be liable for the penalty for non-compliance of any of the conditions in the licence.
- The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (Act XXXVII of 1954J and the rules made there under.
- The licence is liable to be suspended or cancelled for a breach of any of the above conditions.
* ‘Other sale’ means sale by a dealer not registered under the General Sales Tax Act for the time being in force.