Every licence granted under the Act shall be subject to the following additional conditions :
- No fire or naked light shall, under any circumstance, be allowed inside the licensed premises.
- All swinging lights shall be suspended by metal wires or rods.
- No inflammable or explosive substance such as petroleum, kerosene oil, fire works, or gun powder in excess of the quantity, required for one day's use shall be stored upon or within the licensed premises.
- The main doors, enumerated in column (4) of the licence shall always be left unfastened and unobstructed whilst the public are using the licensed premises.
- No structural or material alteration shall be made in the licensed premises except with the written premission of the licensing authority.
- No leper and no person suffering from an open sore or any loathsome, infectious or contagious disease shall be permitted inside the licensed premises. If such a person is found in any such premises, the licensee shall immediately report the fact to the nearest Health Officer, Health Inspector or other Officer not below the rank of a Health Assistant of the Health Services Department or to the licensing authority and the licensee shall at his own cost take such steps as may be required by such officer or authority to disinfect the place and to prevent the further spread of the infection.
- The licensed premises shall not be kept open after 2 a.m. without special permission from the licensing authority.
- The licensing authority or any subordinate Officer duly authorised by the licensing authority. Officers of the State Government exercising control or supervision over the local authority, the Health Officer, the Health Inspector, the Health Assistant having jurisdiction over the area, and any Police Officer specially deputed to keep order during any entertainment in the licensed premises shall at all times have free access to the said premises to see whether the conditions of the licence are fulfilled.
- The licensing authority may add such other conditions not inconsistent with these rules to the licence as he may deem desirable in the interest of health and safety of the public.