Description of instrument | Amount on which duty should be levied |
(1) | (2) |
(i) Sale of immovable property | The amount or value of the consideration for the sale as set forth in the instrument. |
(ii) Exchange of immovable property | (ii) Exchange of immovable property |
(iii) Gift of immovable property | The value of the property as set forth in the instrument |
(iv) Mortgage with possession of immovable property | The amount secured by the mortgage as set forth in the instrument |
153[(v) (a) assignment on lease of immovable property for more than one year | The same stamp duty on a bottomry bond (item 14 of the Schedule to the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959) which may be remitted or payable as per the lease deed. |
(b) assignment on lease of immovable property for not less than one year but not more than five years. | The same stamp duty on a bottomry bond (item 14 of the Schedule to the Kerala Stamp Act 1959) on one year’s average lease amount or price fixed. |
(b) assignment on lease of immovable property for not less than one year but not more than five years. |
The same stamp duty on a bottomry bond (item 14 of the Schedule to the Kerala Stamp Act 1959) on one year’s average lease amount or price fixed. |
(c) assignment on lease of immovable property for more than five years but not exceeding ten years. |
The same stamp duty on a sale deed (items 21 or 22, as the case may be, of the Schedule to the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959) for a consideration equal to the average of lease amount fixed for an year. |
(d) assignment on lease of immovable property exceeding | If the lease is subsisting for a very long period the same stamp duty as on a sale deed (item 21 or 22, as the case may be, of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959) for a consideration equal to three times the average yearly lease amount or price remitted or paid for the first ten years. |
(e) Perpetual lease of immovable property | Total amount of lease remitted or paid during the first fifty years, as shown in the instrument] |
(vi) Release, that is to say, any instrument whereby a person renounces a claim upon another person or against any specified property when such release does not operate in favour of his or her spouse or children. |
The amount or value as set forth in the released deed. |
153Inserted by Act 7 of 1995.