Subject to the other provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder, the District Expert Committee shall have the following powers and functions, namely:
- to identify the Kadavu or river bank in a district in which, sand removal may be permitted;
- to fix the total quantity of sand that can be removed from a Kadavu or river bank giving due regard to the guidelines of expert agencies like the Centre for Earth Science Studies and Centre for Water Resources Development and Management;
- to control the transportation of sand from a Kadavu or river bank to another area;
- to close a Kadavu or river bank opened for sand removal;
- to ensure the protection of river banks and keep them free from en croachment:
- to consider the opinion of the Kadavu Committee and take suitable measures to achieve the objectives of this Act;
- to ensure that the Kadavu Committees of the District are performing their powers and functions conferred on them by this Act;
- to advise the Government on the measures to protect the biophysical environmental system of the river, banks;
- to recommend to the Government the necessity to ban sand removal from any river or Kadavu during any season of the year;
- to carry out the Directions given by the Government, form time to time:
- to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as are conferred on it by this Act and rules made thereunder;
- to advise on any other matter to carry-out the provisions of this Act.