(1) In the case of Group D occupancy, approval of the District Town Planner shall be obtained for usage of plot and lay-out of buildings with total floor area exceeding 500 sq.metres, but upto 1000 sq.metres and approval of the Chief Town Planner shall be obtained for the usage of plot and lay-out of buildings with total floor area exceeding 1000 sq.metres:
Provided that, if the area is covered under any Town Planning Scheme, the usage of plot shall conform to the provisions contained in that scheme.
(2) Every building under assembly occupancy shall have open spaces as given below.
Total built up area Required minimum open space
Front Average 6m with minimum 4.5 m.
Sides Average 2m each with minimum Exceeding 300 sq m. and 1.5 m.
upto 500 sq m.
Rear Average 2m with minimum 1.5 m.
Front Average 7.50m with minimum 4.5 m.
Exceeding 500 sq m. andSides Average 4m each with minimum 1.5 m.
upto 800 sq m.
Rear Average 3m. with minimum 1.5 m
Front Average 10.5m with minimum 6 m
Exceeding 800sq m. Sides Average 5m each with minimum 1.5 m
Rear Average 4.5m with minimum 2 m
Provided that, where more than one building is proposed to be constructed in a plot, it shall suffice if the open space under this sub-rule are provided from the plot boundaries with open yards (spaces) in between buildings not less than 2 metres upto 10 metres height. Provided further that where the height of the building exceeds 10 metres, open yard from the boundaries and that between buildings shall be increased proportionately at the rate of 0.50 metre for every 3 metres increase in height.
(3) The height of room in assembly occupancy buildings shall be minimum4 metres. Provided that in the case of air conditioned auditoriums /halls it shall be minimum 3 metres.
(4) The clear head room beneath or above the mezzanine or balcony shall not less than 3 metres.
(5) The head room shall not be less than 2.4 metres in air conditioned rooms.
(6) The height of store room, toilets, lumber and cellar rooms shall not be less than 2.4 metres.
(7) Balconies or galleries or mezzanines shall be restricted to 25 per cent of the total carpet area of assembly hall area and the maximum slope of the balcony or gallery or mezzanine shall not exceed 35 degrees.
(8) In the case of assembly occupancy buildings irrespective of the number of floors, a certificate of approval from the Director of Fire Force or an officer authorised by him in this behalf shall be obtained and produced for issuing building permit.
(9) The standard of ventilation in assembly occupancy buildings shall be 28 cu. metre fresh air per seat per hour and shall be in accordance with part VIII Building Services, section I, Lighting and Ventilation of National Building Code of India, 2005.
(10) All requirements in respect of fire protection in assembly buildings shall conform to Part VI, Fire and Life Safety, National Building Code of India, 2005 and Amendment No.3.
(11) In the case of cinema theatres, the construction shall also conform to the provisions of the Kerala Cinema Regulations 1988 as amended from time to time and IS 4878-1968 bye laws for construction of cinema buildings.
(12) In wedding halls where cooking and dining facilities are provided, proper and adequate arrangements for collection and hygienic disposal of solid and liquid waste shall be ensured to the satisfaction of the Secretary.
(13) Sanitation facilities to be provided in assembly buildings shall be computed at the rate of not less than one person per square metre of carpet area of the building and shall be provided in numbers not less than those stipulated in Table 6 in sub rule (6) of rule 55.
(14) The Secretary shall, after considering the access roads, traffic congestion in the locality and in consultation with the Chief Town Planner decide the location of the Transport terminals/stations like panchayat bus stands or inter state bus terminals etc. and the construction of buildings shall conform to the provisions in these rules.