(1) Fire escape staircase shall be provided for every building of, -
(2) The width of fire escape staircase shall not be less than 0.75metre, the width offire escape stair tread shall not be less than 15 cm, the height of the fire escape stair riser shall not exceed 19 cm, and the number of risers shall not exceed 16 per flight of stairs.
(3) The height of handrail shall not be less than 1 metre.
(4) Fire escape stair shall be constructed only in the exterior of the building and shall be connected directly to the ground.
(5) Fire escape stairs shall have a straight flight.
(6) Entrance to fire escape staircase shall be separated and remote from internal staircase.
(7) The use of spiral staircase shall be limited to low occupant load and buildings upto 9 metres in height unless they are connected to platforms such as balconies and terraces to allow easy exit.
(8) A spiral staircase shall not less than 1.50 metres in diameter and shall be designed to give adequate headroom.