(1) The Secretary shall, by written order, either grant or refuse to grant regularisation.
(2) The Secretary shall, if the decision is to grant regularisation, intimate the fact to the applicant in writing, specifying the amount to be remitted as compounding fee and the period within which the amount has to be remitted.
(3) The Secretary shall, on receipt of the compounding fee and compliance of the condition, if any specified, issue order as in Appendix-I absolving the person from all liabilities and regularizing the construction and record the details thereof in a register to be kept as a permanent document in the form in Appendix-J.
(4) The compounding fee shall be double the amount of the permit fee in force. Provided that in the case of deviated or additional construction, only the areas so deviated or added shall be considered for the calculation of compounding fee.
(5) The Secretary shall, if the decision is to refuse regularization, intimate the fact to the applicant specifying the reasons for such refusal and the period within which such building or part of building has to be demolished or the well, filled up:
Provided that, an application for regularisation shall be refused only on such ground on which approval of site or permission may be refused.