An application for a development permit shall be accompanied by site plan, service plan, together with details and specifications as described below:
- the site plan shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 1 : 400 and shall be fully dimensioned and shall show:
- the boundaries of the plot and of any contiguous land belonging the owner thereof, including the revenue survey particulars in full;
- the position of the site in relation to the neighbouring street and its main access;
- the name of such street, if any; and its width, which shall be the width in between the plot boundaries on the opposite sides;
- all existing structures in the plot;
- all existing streets or foot - paths within the plot;
- the layout of cul-de-sac, streets, or foot-paths within, adjoining or terminating at the site, existing, proposed to be widened or newly aligned;
- the proposed plot subdivision, if any, and the areas and uses of each sub division thereof;
- the access to each plot subdivision, if any;
- the layout of any service roads or foot paths and public parking spaces proposed or existing, if any;
- the area and location of any land within the plot that undevelopable such as rocky outcrops, steep terrains, marshes, etc.
- the area and location of any land within the plot that is not proposed to be developed or redeveloped;
- the area and location of any, land that is proposed to be reclaimed .
- the area and location of any paddy fields and/or other agricultural land that are proposed to be reclaimed and /or converted for the said development or re-development;
- the north direction and predominant wind direction in relation to the site.
- topographic contours (with contour interval not less than 1.5 m show the features of the plot clearly) of the site and any other relevant information of the plot not specially mentioned,but may be required by the Secretary.
Note:- The site plan shall be accompanied by a key map drawn to a scale /appropriate to a scale of 1 : 4000 giving full details of the location of the site with reference to all adjacent streets, premises and landmarks within a distance of 30 m of the plot together with the details of the land use of the adjourning premises, on all sides.