In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires :-
- "the Act" means the Kerala Places of Public Resort Act, 1963 (Act 40 of 1963);
- "Health Officer" means in the case of Municipal Corporations and Municipalities the Health Officer of the Municipal Corporation or of the Municipality concerned and in the case of a Township or a Panchayath area such officer of the Health Services Department having jurisdiction over the area as may be specified by the Director of Health Services.
- "Licensing Authority" means the authority competent to grant a licence under the Act.
- "Permanent building" means a building which is constructed for permanent use with stone, mud, brick, mortar, cement or other non-inflammable materials.
Explanation -
- Where the floor, roof, side-walls, gallaries and stair case of a building are made of non-inflammable materials the building shall, for the purpose of these rules be deemed to be a permanent building.
- A Cinema installation which is deemed to be a permanent one under R. 59(e) of the Kerala Cinema (Regulations) Rules, 1958 as republished in the Kerala Gazette dated 11-12-1962 shall be deemed to be a permanent building for the purpose of these rules.
- "Prescribed" means prescribed by the order of the Licensing Authority and (vi) "Temporary building" means building which is not a permanent building.