The association shall perform the following functions, namely:—
- to prepare and implement water schedule for each irrigation season, consistent with the operational plan, based upon the entitlement, area, soil and cropping pattern as approved by Government or competent authority ;
- to prepare a plan for the maintenance of irrigation system in the area of its operation at the end of each crop season and carry out the maintenance works of the distribution system under its control with the funds of the association from time to time; to regulate the use of water among the various pipe outlets under its area of operation according to the water schedule ;
- to promote economy in the use of water allocated ;
- to assist the Revenue Department in the preparation of demand and collection of irrigation cess and betterment levy ;
- to maintain a register of land holders as published by the Revenue Department;
- to prepare and maintain a register of co-opted members;
- to prepare and maintain an inventory of the irrigation system within the area of operation ;
- to monitor flow of water for irrigation;
- to resolve the disputes, if any, between the members and water users in its area of operation;
- to raise resources;
- to maintain accounts;
- to cause annual audit of its accounts;
- to assist in the conduct of elections of office bearers;
- to maintain other records as may be prescribed;
- to conduct general body meeting; and
- to conduct regular water budgeting and also to conduct periodical social audit as may be prescribed.