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The Kerala Registration of Births and Deaths Rules 1999

Kerala Registration of Births and Deaths Rules 1999


(Published in Kerala Gazette Extra No. 316 dated 18-2-2000: SRO No. 150/2000) G.O. (P) 8/2000/LSGD. Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 6th January, 2000

S.R.O. No. 150/2000 - In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 30 of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 (Central Act 18 of 1969) and in supersession of the Kerala Registration of Births and Deaths Rules, 1970, the Government of Kerala with the approval of the Central Government, hereby make the following rules, namely :-


1. Short title and commencement - (1) These rules may be called the Kerala Registration of Births and Deaths Rules, 1999.

(2) They shall come into force on the 1st day of January, 2000.

2. Definitions - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, -

(a) "Act" means the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969;

(b) "Form" means a Form appended to these rules; and

(c) "Section" means a section of the Act.

3. Period of gestation - The period of gestation for the purposes of clause (g) of sub-section (i) of section 2 shall be twenty-eight weeks.

4. Submission of report under section 4 (4) - The report under sub-section (4) of section 4 shall be prepared in the prescribed format appended to these Rules and shall be submitted along with the statistical report referred to in sub-section (2) of section 19, to the State Government by the Chief Registrar for every year by the 31 st July of the year following the year to which the report relates.

5. Form, etc, for giving information of births and deaths - (1) The information required to be given to the Registrar under section 8 or section 9, as the case may be, shall be in Form Nos. 1, 2 and 3 for the Registration of a birth, death and still birth respectively (hereinafter to be collectively called the reporting forms). Information if given orally, shall be entered by the Registrar in the appropriate reporting forms and the signature/thump impression of the informant obtained,

(2) The part of the reporting forms containing legal information shall be called the 'Legal Part' and the part containing statistical information shall be called the 'Statistical Part'.

(3) The information referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be given within twenty-one days from the date of birth, death and still birth.

6. Birth or death in a vehicle - (1) In respect of a birth or death in a moving vehicle, the person in charge of the vehicle shall give or cause to be given the information under sub-section (1) of section 8 at the first place of halt.

Explanation - For the purpose of this rule the term "vehicle" means, conveyance of any kind used on land, air or water and includes an aircraft, a boat, a ship, a railway carriage, a motor car, a motor cycle, a cart, a tonga and a rickshaw.

(2) In the case of deaths not falling under clauses (a) to(e) of sub-section (1) of section 8 in which an inquest is held, the officer who conducts the inquest shall give or cause to be given the information under sub-section (1) of section 8.

7. Form of certificate under section 10 (3) - The certificate as to the cause of death required under sub-section (3) of section 10 shall be issued in Form No. 4or 4A and the Registrar shall, after making necessary entries in the register of births and deaths, forward all such certificates to the Chief Registrar or the officer specified by him in this behalf by the 10th of the month immediately following the month to which the certificates relate.

8.Extracts of registration entries to be given under section 12 - (1) The extracts of particulars from the register relating to births or deaths to be given to an informant under section 12 shall be in Form No. 5 or Form No. 6, as the case may be.

(2) In the case of domiciliary events of births and deaths referred to in clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 8 which are reported direct to the Registrar of Births and Deaths, the head of the house or house hold as the case may be, or, in his absence, the nearest relative of the head present in the house may collect the extracts of birth and death from the Registrar within thirty days of its reporting.

(3) In the case of domiciliary events of births and deaths referred to in clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 8 which are reported by persons specified by the State Government under sub-section (2) of the said section, the person so specified shall transmit the extracts received from the Registrar of Births and Deaths to the concerned head of the house or household as the case may be, or, in his absence, the nearest relative of the head present in the house within thirty days of its issue by the Registrar.

(4) In the case of institutional events of births and deaths referred to in clauses (b) to (e) of sub-section (1) of Section 8 the nearest relative of the new born or deceased may collect the extract from the officer or person in charge of the institution concerned within thirty days of the occurrence of the event of birth or death.

(5) If the extract of birth or death is not collected by the concerned person as referred to in sub-rules (2) to (4) within the period stipulated therein, the Registrar or

the officer or person in charge of, the concerned institution as referred to in sub-rule (4) shall transmit the same to the concerned family by post within fifteen days of the expiry of the aforesaid period.

9. Authority for delayed registration and fee payable therefor - (1) Any birth or death of which information is given to the Registrar after the expiry of the period specified in rule 5, but within thirty days of its occurrence, shall be registered on payment of a late fee of rupees two.

(2) Any birth or death of which information is given to the Registrar after thirty days but within one year of its occurrence, shall be registered only with the written permission of the officer prescribed in this behalf and on payment of a late fee of rupees five.

(3) Any birth or death which has not been registered within one year of its occurrence, shall be registered only on an order of a Magistrate of the first class or a Presidency Magistrate and on payment of a late fee of rupees ten.

10. Period for the purpose of section 14 -(1) Where the birth of any child had been registered without a name, the parent or guardian of such child shall, within 12

months from the date of registration of the birth of child, give information regarding the name of the child to the Registrar in writing :

Provided that if the information is given after the aforesaid period of 12 months which shall be reckoned, subject to the provision of sub-section (4) of section 23, the Registrar shall enter the name in the relevant column of the concerned form in the birth register on payment of a late fee of rupees five.

(2) The parent or the guardian, as the case may be, shall also present to the Registrar the copy of the extract given to him under section 12 or a certified extract issued to him under section 17 and on such presentation the Registrar shall make the necessary endorsement relating to the name of the child.

11. Correction or cancellation of entry in the register of births and deaths - (1) If it is reported to the Registrar that a clerical or formal error has been made in the register or if such error is otherwise noticed by him the Registrar shall enquire into the matter and if he is satisfied that any such error has been made, he shall correct the error (by correcting or cancelling the entry) as provided in section 15 and shall send an extract of the entry showing the error and how it has been corrected to the State Government or the officer specified by it in this behalf.

(2) If any person asserts that any entry in the register of births and deaths is erroneous in substance, the Registrar may correct the entry in the manner prescribed under section 15 upon production by that person a declaration setting forth the nature of the error and true facts of the case made by two credible persons having knowledge of the facts of the case.

Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2) the Registrar shall make report of any correction of the kind referred to therein giving necessary details to the State Government or the officer specified in this behalf.

(3) If it is proved to the satisfaction of the Registrar that any entry in the register of births and deaths has been fraudulently or improperly made, he shall make a report giving necessary details to the officer authorised by the Chief Registrar by general or special order in this behalf under section 25 and on hearing from him take necessary action in the matter.

(4) In every case in which an entry is corrected or cancelled under this rule, intimation thereof should be sent to the permanent address of the person who has given information under section 8 or section 9.

12. Form of register under section 16 - The legal part of the Form Nos. 1,2 and 3 shall constitute the birth register, death register and still birth register (Form Nos. 7, 8 and 9) respectively.

13. Fees and postal charges payable under section 17 - (1) The fees payable

for a search to be made, an extract or a non-availability certificate to be issued under section 17, shall be as follows :

(a) Search for a single entry in the first

year for which the search is made Rs.2.00

(b) for every additional year for which

the search is continued Rs. 2.00

(c) for granting extract relating to each

birth or death Rs. 5.00

(d) for granting non-availability certificate

of birth or death Rs.2.00

(2) Any such extract in regard to a birth or death shall be issued by the Registrar or the officer authorised by the State Government in this behalf in Form No. 5 or, as the case may be, in Form No. 6 and shall be certified in the manner provided for in section 76 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872).

(3) If any particular event of birth or death is not found registered the Registrar shall issue a non-availability certificate in Form No. 10.

(4) Any such extracts or non-availability certificate may be furnished to the person asking for it or sent to him by post on payment of the postal charges therefor.

14. Interval and forms of periodical returns under section 19 (1) - Every Registrar shall after completing the process of registration send all the Statistical Parts of the reporting forms relating to each month along with a Summary Monthly Report in Form No. 11 for births, Form No. 12 for deaths and Form No. 13 for still births to the Chief Registrar or the officer specified by him on or before the 5th of the following month.

(2) The officer so specified shall forward all such statistical parts of the reporting forms received by him to the Chief Registrar not later than the 10th of the month.

15. Statistical report under section 19 (2) - The statistical report under sub section (2) of section 19 shall contain the tables in the prescribed formats appended to these rules and shall be compiled for each year before the 31st July of the year immediately following and shall be published as soon as may be thereafter but in any case not later than five months from that date.

16. Conditions for compounding offences - (1) Any offence punishable under section 23 may, either before or after the institution of criminal proceedings under this Act, be compounded by an officer authorised by the Chief Registrar by a general or special order in this behalf, if the officer so authorised is satisfied that the offence was committed through inadvertence or oversight or for the first time.

(2) Any such offence may be compounded on payment of such sum, not exceeding rupees fifty for offences under sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) and rupees ten for offences under sub-section (4) of section 23 as the said officer may think fit.

17. Registers and other records under section 30(2)(k) - (1) The birth register, death register and still birth register shall be records of permanent importance and shall not be destroyed.

(2) The court orders and orders of the specified authorities granting permission for delayed registration received under section 13 by the Registrar, shall form an integral part of the birth register, death register and still birth register and shall not be destroyed, The certificate as to the cause of death furnished, under sub-section (3)

of the section 10 shall be retained for a period of at least 5 years by the Chief Registrar or the officer specified by him in this behalf.

(3) Every birth register, death register and still birth register shall be retained by the Registrar in his office permanently.